Hello! my name is
Unnat Das

My name is Unnat Das, currently pursuing Btech [2nd year] have an interest in Programming, problem-solving, and software development. I have a good understanding of front-end development and like to work on pygame and OpenCV. Also very much fascinated by competitive programming. I have solved more than (500+) questions from major platforms like CodeChef, codeforces, leetcode, and hackerrank. I had a rating CodeChef max(3) and Codeforces(max: 1061). My goal is to keep trying to improve and be a better version of myself.

c++ python java js
Web Technologies and others
html css jquery bootstrap reactjs MaterialUI tailwindcss nodeJs redux ExpressJs git vscode
(Bachelor's Of Technology) Computer Science and Engineering
Guru Tegh Bahadur Institute Of Technology (New Delhi)
Senior Secondary (Science)
Raisina Bengali School (New Delhi)
Programming in C++ (By NPTEL [IIT Kharagpur])
Top 336 out of 5k Students (Elite).
Goldman Sachs Virtual Intership Program (By forage)
(Learn about the diffrent hashing algorithm like- MD-5,SHE-1,SHE-2.
The private password policy of the a company. How to crack MD-5 password using (hashcat)software.
Problem Solving (Basic) by hackerrank
Python bootcamp 2022 by udemy
learn about dictionaries, tuple, list and classes, file handling etc.
30days of Google cloud Challenge
Get Knowlegde about what is Cloud Computing, how to deploy app on cloud, kubernetes, cluster, IAM roles and Policies etc.
Google Kickstart 2022
Securing a rank of 1535th(Global rank) and 1003(AIR) out of 5716 people in round B.
NFT Portfolio

Nft portfolio with multiple pages and responsive for both mobile and pc. Tech stack: HTML, CSS and Javascript.

website: here

Todo List in react

A react App which create List item and with help of react hooks like "use state" and "Use effect" we can able to edit and also delete the task when completed.

code: here

Ping-Pong Game

The game of ping - pong ball with 2 bars, 1 bar is the player while other one is the computer. On each second the speed of ball also increased and language used python with pygame library.

code: here

video: here

Tic Tac Toe React Game

Simple react site with the use of diffrent hooks and have feature like score view .

code: here

live site: here

Crypto_Price chrome extension

Showing real time crypto price coin_gecko api and have custom search bar to able to search diffrent other cryptos. language used HTML , CSS , Javascript..

code: here

Netflix clone (static single page)
It is simple static website clone of Netflix, I have made during the wedev Bootcamp. Languages used are HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Rock paper Scissor
game of Rock-Paper-Scissor in which user has to choose a option and computer also generate a random option and then javascipt is used to detect the winner and display the score and option selected HTML, CSS and Javascript.
Virtual Piano
virtual piano is made majorly of javascipt by the use of eventlisteners and querryselectors. Languages used are HTML, CSS and Javascript.